With temperatures reaching record highs on these formally grey and drizzly shores it’s perhaps time to think about a new hairstyle for climate change — and that doesn’t have to mean short, cropped hair, or a frozen wig. What can be more important when considering a haircut for hotter weather — call it climate change or just summer — might actually be convenience.
With long-drawn-out evenings, pub gardens screaming 'join me for a beer', and fun to be had at the beaches, going for a hairstyle easy to manage could be the way forward: something that is easy to wash, quick to style and that looks cool cats once you’re done with preening.
We’ve rounded up some haircuts that are ideal for the UK’s new tropical climate.
Manly Buzz Cut
The buzz cut, an all-time classic that deserves to be on every climate change haircut round-up ever to be written. Firstly, you’ll struggle to find an easier hairstyle to manage, the length means that additional heat from a mop of hair won’t be a problem, and ultimately, given the right head shape, it can look super cool.
But before you pull out some dodgy Argos clippers and go for the home-chopped disaster look, visit your professional barber. It’s not the most difficult haircut, granted, but the edges, neckline and even-ness count for a lot when that’s all you have. It’s also a good idea to finish your buzz cut off with a small amount of matt paste, simply to counteract any potential hatched chicken look.
Climate crew cut
The crew cut is another classic that never falls out of favour, and for good reason. Similar to the aforementioned buzz cut, it is another no-to-low maintenance style that requires little attention. However, some men will have concerns about looking like a commando in the workplace, but it could work well at the start of a two to three week holiday, as it should have time to grow back.
This style is, of course, more suited to people with naturally straight hair texture, but can still look good with curly hair too, depending on how much of the flat-top type finish you want. It is bar-ready, beach-ready and suits men confident in themselves.
Short, high pomp
Classic men’s haircuts and climate change clearly go hand in hand. The pomp, designed and famed by the pre-climate crisis rockabilly generation decades before, was merely a gift to future generations of sweaty climate victims. That stylish large quiff worn by nonchalant young men is perfect with a tight fade for the warmer temperatures.
It is a surprisingly low maintenance style considering its almost overly styled appearance. Luckily, the work with the pomp is done by the barber who cuts the style into being. All you have to do is run a decent hair product through the top (and especially the fringe), such as Daimon Barber Classic Pomade — and you’ll be good to go.
Surfer rat
As temperatures soar UK beach trips will surely rise in popularity, so what better hairstyle than the classic surfer rat style? It’s a stylish haircut, rough and rugged with a focus on allowing natural hair texture to take a leading role, which means that you won’t have to spend too much time faffing around styling it.
The surfer style is better suited to naturally wavy or curly hair texture but there are plenty of great products, such as Fudge Salt Spray, to encourage this style, as well, of course, as a great barber.